
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Magnolia Down Under Challenge #91 {No Patterned Paper} - Winner and Top 5

Well we knew this challenge might scare some people off after the "behind the scenes" discussion with the DT allocated this one - LOL - but they managed to come up with some AMAZING inspiration and the entries we did have were top class! The use of background stamps and textures were fabulous and we all enjoyed seeing what you guys did and it was a hard fought battle to find a winner. But these week we'd like to congratulate......  

Rachel {2}

This talented crafter delighted us with her sepia tones and gorgeous use of embossing and distressing - an amazing card when you realise she's only 15 - well done Rachel - I'm sooo jealous of the amazing future you have in this craft! If you want to see more of Rachel's work check out her blog HERE.

Rachel can you please email Kylie at to claim your winner's badge.

And now onto this week's Top 5 (in numerical order) - these are all AMAZING creations and the votes were close for the winner's spot - so congratulations....

These are linked these cards back to the original entries to make it easier for you guys to go and check them out. Please grab our Top 5 badge from the sidebar and display it proudly on your blog to let everyone know how fabulous we think your work is! And thanx to EVERYONE who entered - your work was truly gorgeous!

Don't forget to pop back tomorrow morning and check out our new challenge - I'm sure you'll be inspired by our DT to head into your craft rooms and ink up your Magnolia stamps.

Debbie P and the MDUC team


  1. Wow what a stunning winning card very well deserved wish I had found time to enter school holidays get in the way of crafting !!!!!
    hugs sara x x x

  2. Excellent, well done to Rachel, wish I was that talented at 15yrs. Absolutley beautiful card, a worthy winner!! Hugs Annie xXx

  3. Wow thank you so much......I will where my badge with pride! Congratulations to Rachel....a very worthy much talent in one so young! x

  4. Thank you for choising me in the top 5. And congratulations to Rachel for her stunning winning card.
    Hugs Marianne

  5. Wowy Rachel!!! Congrats to you for winning with your fantastic card creation! Congrats to you ladies made Top5! That was such a CHALLENGE and I'm so glad we stepped out of our safety area and look how inspiring all works are! Hope MDUC will come up more often with such thrilling challenges :) LOL! Thanks for picking me as one of your Top5 Girls!!! I'm jumping on my sofa and try to find words to express how honored I am... Huggles from lil old Switzerland, Angie

  6. WOW thanks so much everyone!! I've just emailed Kylie :)
    Hugs, Rachel xx
